The YMCA of Oakville is committed to the safety and well-being of our staff, members, and their families, especially during the current health crisis of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus). To ensure access to important information on activities, services and supports, here is a list of external community-based resources that we hope can offer assistance during this period. If you have questions related to the specific supports and resources below, please contact the organization(s) directly.
- Art in Cyberspace, hosted by Youth Aiding Youth
- COVIDHalton, listing where families can access meals, etc.
- Workshops, a series of virtual workshops presented by Halton Families for Families
- How Programs are Adapting, highlights from Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
- Oakville Public Library, great online teaching content for families (homeschooling)
- ROCK Virtual Walk-in, crisis support
- More stay-at-home resources, from City Parent
Resources for front-line workers
- Mental health support for healthcare workers
- Social Work Peer-to-Peer Support Group
- Mindful Reach is offering free online courses
- Boots on the Ground, peer support for First Responders
- 24/7 toll free: 1-833-677-2668
- Canadian Mental Health Association – Halton Region, providing free walk-in counselling by phone so that they can continue to support our community in a manner that is safe considering the present health climate
- Call (289) 291-5396 and you will be contacted by a counsellor within 24 business hours
- 24/7 COAST crisis line: 1-877-825-9011
- Information and Referral: (905) 315-8664