Toonie Tuesday

Help us make a difference in the lives of children who deserve a memorable summer camp experience.

Many small gift can have a big impact! This is a fun way to raise funds and support YMCA Financial Assistance, ensuring that every child who desires to can attend a week of Day Camp this summer.

By collecting and dropping off Toonies you’ll be making a big impact and helping us create unforgettable memories for deserving children.

You can drop your Toonies into drop boxes which will be located at each Child Care location, Camp Location and throughout the facilty at 410 Rebecca.

You may also choose to allocate your donation to one of our seasonal programs:

Help us Fill the Pool with a donation to teach children to swim and equip youth with lifeguarding skills.

Help us Fill the Bus with a donation to send a child to camp to learn new skills and make new friends.

Help us Fill the Court with a donation to provide a session of skill based sports programming to a child or youth.

Help us Fill the Chair with a donation to provide courses and certifications to deserving young people seeking a career in aquatics.