Did you know that right now 10% of school aged children in Halton live at or below the poverty line? A gift to the YMCA can help these children and their families reach their full potential through participation in our programs and services.

Our 2024 Ignite Potential Campaign needs your help
to raise $280,000 this year.

You can be the spark and ignite this potential for someone in our community through a charitable gift of support. Every dollar we raise will ensure no one is left behind.

As of today, we’ve reached 50%

We are grateful for the support of our community and proud to highlight the following programs and projects delivered in 2023, made possible through generous donations, sponsorships and grants. Thank you for being a part of our journey and helping to be the spark that ignites positive change in our community.

You may choose to allocate your donation to one of our seasonal programs:

Help us Fill the Pool with a donation to teach children to swim and equip youth with lifeguarding skills.

Help us Fill the Bus with a donation to send a child to camp to learn new skills and make new friends.

Help us Fill the Court with a donation to provide a session of skill based sports programming to a child or youth.

Help us Fill the Chair with a donation to provide courses and certifications to deserving young people seeking a career in aquatics.

Give monthly and maximize your impact, or make a one time donation.

A charitable tax receipt will be generated for any gift over $20.00