

Should participants attend camp if they are experiencing symptoms?

Have any of the following new or worsening symptoms or signs (symptoms should not be chronic or related to other known cause or conditions)? Fever or chills; difficulty breathing or shortness of breath; cough, sore throat, trouble swallowing; runny nose/stuffy nose or nasal congestion; decrease or loss of smell or taste; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal [...]

What will happen if my child becomes sick or injured?

When children show signs of illness, please keep them at home, this reduces the spread of illness at A child may be sent home if coughing, sneezing, has a temperature, or any other contagious illness or infection. If a child develops symptoms during the day, we request that they be picked up and taken Children [...]

I am sending someone else to pick up my child today. Whom do I contact?

Written permission must be provided for any individual not listed on the registration form to pick up your child. Any parent/guardian or identified emergency contact picking up your child must be 16+. Photo identification is required at the time of pick-up from our Licensed Summer Program and each time a new person picks up your

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