Message from the CEO and Board Chair

Last year was marked by our concerted efforts towards continued recovery and sustainability. We outlined and achieved the first year objectives in our Strategic Plan Choices and New Directions. Amidst a modest re-emergence, we remained steadfast in our commitment to monitoring program health and adapting to new challenges. Our transition to the $10/day child care model was a significant undertaking, necessitating adjustments in many processes amidst the evolving landscape of child care policies and funding formulas. Our efforts to address staff shortages, particularly in Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), have been successful through targeted recruitment, training and employee engagement initiatives. ​

In Summer Day Camp we saw some new variables posed by the increasing impacts of global warming, including extreme temperatures, storms, and wildfire smoke. As such, ensuring a safe refuge against such elements has become paramount in parent surveys for our camp settings. ​

Our Health, Fitness and Aquatics programs at the Peter Gilgan Family YMCA are seeing steady recovery as community safety measures strengthened. We see varying degrees of return among different demographic groups, with seniors and youth showing earlier returns to activities compared to families, who now have new daily routines impacted by changing work from home requirements and growing economic stressors. ​

This shifting socio-economic landscape underscored an increased need for subsidy support among families grappling with rising inflation and housing costs. Through innovative fundraising endeavors, we were able to mobilize resources to sustain vital programs such as swim lessons, recreational sports, and assistance for Newcomers. ​

Throughout these developments, our YMCA has remained a pillar of stability within our community, offering a diverse array of programs tailored to address evolving needs. Financial sustainability was achieved, positioning us to expand program offerings and contribute further to community well-being in line with our Strategic Plan objectives. ​

In conclusion, the year 2023 showcased our resilience and adaptability in navigating challenges while advancing our mission of building a healthier community. We commend the dedication and efforts of our team in achieving these milestones. ​


Kyle Barber, CEO, and Paul Niewglowski, Board Chair ​

2023 YMCA Volunteer & Staff Leadership

YMCA Board of Directors

Paul Nieweglowski, MAppSC | Board Chair
Retired Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment

Eileen McCormack, MSc | Vice Chair
Retired, Head of New Product Planning, AstraZeneca, USA

Denis Dinsmore, BComm, CPA, CMA | Vice Chair Finance
VP, Finance & Administration, Re:Sound Music Licensing Company

Ian Troop, BBA, ICDD | Past Chair
Principal, Demickmore Limited

Heather Angel, MEd, PCC, ICDD
Principal, Heather Angel & Associates
Sr. Consultant, Phelps: Executive Search
& Leadership Advisory

Eduardo Delgado
Associate Vice President, Operational Risk Management,
TD Bank Financial Group

Owen Duguid
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (B.E.S.), J.D.
Lawyer, O’Connor MacLeod Hanna LLP

Anna Maria Iacobelli
Sr Vice President, TD Canada Trust

Lynn Petruskavich
Director, Thinkstream Inc.

Juzar Pirbhai, CPA, CA, CFA
Head of Stakeholder Engagement and Enterprise Risk Management, Canadian Public Accountability Board

Richard Pratt, BComm, LLB
Managing Counsel, RBC Law Group
Royal Bank of Canada

Anusha Shanmugarajah
Director, Growth Technology, Shopify

Michael Wells, MBA
Director of Human Resources, Holland Christian Homes Inc.

YMCA Staff Leadership

Kyle Barber
President & CEO

Andi Cavanagh
Vice President, Finance, IT & Business Systems

Cathyann White
Vice President, Operational Development & Program Growth

Alison Williams
Vice President, Human Resources

Lorraine Pettinato
Vice President, Child Care

Licensed Child Care

It is no secret that the transition to CWELLCC has not been without some challenges. Increased demand for Early Childhood Educators to meet the growing needs in local communities left many organizations struggling to find staff and expand programming. Our YMCA of Oakville is grateful for our partnership with Sheridan College and strives to provide a meaningful, values driven workplace.
Here is a story of one of our newest Early Childhood Educators, Emma:

I began exploring alternative avenues to pursue my passion for working with children. It was during this search that my aunt, residing in Oakville, introduced me to Sheridan College and its Early Childhood Education (ECE) program. After applying in January 2022, I received the wonderful news of my acceptance in May of the same year. The next few months were a whirlwind of anticipation and preparation to arrive and settle into my new life. I started my studies at Sheridan College in January 2023, immersing myself in my studies.

The journey was not without its challenges, but with each obstacle came a newfound resilience and determination to succeed. Transitioning to independent living in April 2023, coinciding with a cherished visit with my family, marked a significant milestone in my personal growth. As I delved deeper into my studies, each semester brought opportunities for growth and discovery; from immersive field placements to building friendships with other students. In May 2023 I had my first student placement at St Marguerite YMCA Child Care Centre in the toddler program and in September 2023 I had a second placement at Dr. David R Williams YMCA Child Care Centre in the infant program. Through my placements within the YMCA, at both St. Marguerite and Dr. David R Williams, I gained valuable experience and support in practicing my newfound skills as an aspiring early childhood educator. After these placements came to an end, I had the opportunity to join the YMCA yet again, this time as a supply educator staff member. This supported me in furthering my skills and growth in this industry.
An important part of my journey back to Peru in September provided a bittersweet reminder of the ties that bind us to our homeland. It was a time of reflection, prompting a renewed focus on self-care and mental well-being upon my return. Navigating through school and personal growth, I found support through the unwavering guidance of educators and mentors, whose wisdom and encouragement heartened my determination during times of uncertainty.​

Now that I’ve graduated, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities that lie ahead, including a full-time position in the toddler program at Dr. David R Williams YMCA Childcare Centre. Looking to the future, my aspirations extend beyond professional milestones, encompassing an ongoing education and the realization of my dream to become a play therapist.​

I extend my heartfelt appreciation for the YMCA’s unwavering support and encouragement throughout this transformative journey. Your belief in my potential has been a guiding light, moving me forward with determination.​

Licensed Child Care

Our work with Sheridan College​

Sheridan College – Celebrating Unique Field Placements in Early Childhood Education with Oakville
YMCA Early Years Child Care Centres

Sheridan College Early Childhood Education Program and Oakville YMCA Early Years Child Care Centres have a partnership that facilitates transformative field placements for Early Childhood Education (ECE) students. These field placements offer hands-on learning opportunities that enable students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, preparing them for the complexities of the profession. Oakville YMCA’s commitment to quality child care and Sheridan College’s dedication to fostering future educators make their partnership a beacon of excellence in the field. Under the guidance of dedicated YMCA Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECEs), students gain practical skills and witness the profound impact of nurturing environments on child development. ​

At every YMCA Child Care placement, Sheridan College students are not just observers but active contributors. YMCA RECEs encourage them to implement responsive and inclusive best practices when working with children and families in the Halton Region. This mentorship empowers students to create inclusive learning environments, forge meaningful partnerships with families and communities, and advocate for quality child care services. ​

Sheridan College Early Childhood Education graduates emerge as competent and compassionate early childhood educators who are ready to make a difference in the lives of young children and families. Oakville YMCA and Sheridan College’s collaborative efforts exemplify a shared commitment to nurturing the next generation of early childhood educators. ​

Through our partnership with the Oakville YMCA Early Years Child Care Programs, the future of early childhood education shines brightly, guided by principles of excellence, inclusion, and community support.Sheridan College would like to thank the Oakville YMCA and its dedicated staff for welcoming Sheridan College Early Childhood Education students into your classrooms. Your support and mentorship are invaluable in shaping the future of early childhood education.​

With gratitude,

Deborah Bright
Early Childhood Education Field Placement Officer
Sheridan College​

Health, Fitness and Aquatics

Member Growth, Programs and Leadership Courses

Health, Fitness and Aquatics

In 2023, the Health, Fitness, and Aquatics Team at the YMCA worked hard to provide exceptional service to our members. As always we prioritized inclusion by providing programs to people at all ages and stages of life.

Sports Programs Growth

  • Started with skills class and expanded to a league with 20 children.
  • Expanded to accommodate 140 kids with multiple divisions and
    expanded age groups, showcasing significant growth in
    soccer programs.

Fitness Classes

  • Doubled participation numbers, offering a diverse range of classes.
  • Registered fitness classes like BoxFit and Mat Pilates have seen
    growth, attracting new participants.

Family Play Structure

  • Opened in September and has become a popular spot for families
    throughout the day.
  • Particularly very busy evenings, weekends and for birthday parties.

Human Resources

Staff Engagement and Recognition Initiatives

Towards becoming An Employer of Choice, this year we focused on several staff engagement and recognition initiaitives.​ Here are some highlights from our Human Resources team: ​

Nurturing Future Leaders: The Peter Gilgan Leadership Award

The Peter Gilgan Leadership Award is so much more than just an award. It represents an investment in the potential of our youth and our community. ​

With this award, five aspiring youth will go on to pursue their dreams and achieve even greater heights in their academic studies and future careers. Funded through the Peter Gilgan Charitable Foundation, the award is presented each year to five YMCA of Oakville youth employees who have made notable contributions to the YMCA and the Oakville community. The award goes towards assisting them with their post-secondary education costs.​

Service Recognition at the YMCA of Oakville

Each year, we host the Service Recognition event to celebrate the years of loyal service and dedication of our staff. In 2024, we hosted a truly memorable event, where we recognized and thanked our staff for their invaluable contributions to our community. We honored those who have served 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and even 30 years. See how they Shine!​

Human Resources

Welcoming new team members

At the Welcome Event, we extended a warm welcome to the newest members of the Oakville Team. We expressed our gratitude for choosing the Y as their employer and provided an opportunity to connect, learn more about the association, our mission, vision, and values, and understand how their role impacts the community we served.

Summer Day Camp

In 2023, the YMCA of Oakville was the place to provide children with exciting and enriching summer programs. With a wide range of camps available for kids of all ages, there was truly something for everyone. From fun and games to educational activities, exercise and learning opportunities, the YMCA of Oakville provided a diverse range of options to keep kids engaged and entertained.

Whether it’s sports, arts and crafts, adventures,
or even science and technology, the YMCA of Oakville
has a camp that will inspire and excite your child.


We are grateful for the support of our community and proud to highlight the following programs and projects delivered in 2023, made possible through generous donations, sponsorships and grants. Thank you for being a part of our journey and helping to be the spark that ignites positive change in our community.

*Ontario Trillium Foundation, MSLE Foundation, Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, United Way, Optimist Club Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, Jumpstart, OSN, CIBC Foundation, Peter Gilgan Foundation, Jays Care Foundation, ParticipAction, JP Bickell Foundation, Peter Kenny.


Fill the Court

As the place where the first basketball game took place, the YMCA knows how sports can be a gateway to youth engagement. Our Fill the Court Campaign
provided free access to sports and recreation for more than 80 youth across our community. These fun programs are about safe play, skill development and opportunities to build character, and leadership.

Fill the Pool

Our Fill the Pool Campaign ensures that a child or youth can learn to swim—a critical life skill—and can include support for their education in Aquatic Leadership Programs, Lifeguarding, and First Aid Certification. These qualifications provide a great first opportunity for youth to gain employment in Aquatics; for many, this first job will be with the YMCA.

Fill the Chair

As a result of generous contributions, 80 youth received bursaries to pursue Aquatic Leadership Certifications leading to gainful employment.

Fill the Bus

A week at Summer Day Camp can be lifechanging. It can be a chance to experience some independence, learn new skills and make new friends. Our YMCA hosts more than 1300 children and youth every year in Summer Day Camp Programs. By donating to Fill the Bus you ensured even more children in our community get a chance to share in the fun.


Thanks to the generosity of our many donors, sponsors and funders, the YMCA continues to be a catalyst for positive change in the lives of individuals from all walks of life. Every day, people discover and unlock their full potential through YMCA programs and services. Your support helps break down barriers to participation, ensuring that children, youth, and adults can learn, grow, lead, and no one is left behind.

If you haven’t joined our community of supporters yet, we warmly encourage you to visit and make a meaningful contribution to the YMCA of Oakville. Your support plays a vital role in empowering individuals, fostering growth, and creating positive change in our community. Together, let’s make a lasting impact.

Community Outreach

HYPEE Program

HYPEE, the Halton Youth Peer Empowerment Employment program, is your gateway to leadership excellence. In 2023, we equipped young people with the tools they need to thrive, offering training in leadership and life skills, access to mentors, certifications, and job training. Our goal was simple: to empower youth, boost self-esteem, improve academics, and foster healthy relationships while reducing negative behaviors. Our 6-month program covered soft skills, hard skills, and employability, tailored to your needs and interests.

As a result, we had:

  • 22% increase in youth wanting to find a job that aligns with their personal values.
  • 6% increase in youth feeling good about their future – resulting in 100% of youth reporting
    feeling good about their future
  • 24% increase in youth always feeling that they can do things they previously could not
  • 15% increase in youth believing they have strong leadership skills
  • 32% increase in youth feeling a sense of worth & value in themselves
  • 19% increase in youth mental health status

Employment: 75% of youth participants found part time or seasonal employment as a result of participating in the program.

Volunteering: 100% of youth participants obtained volunteer hours contributing to their Community Service hours required for High School Graduation.


Statement of Financial Position

Year Ended December 31, 2023

Financials for Annual Report
Statement of Financial Position20232022Difference
Current Assets$5,613,591.00$4,442,620.00$1,170,971.00
Capital Assets, Intangible Assets & Investments$7,693,253.00$7,726,806.00-$33,553.00
Total Assets$13,306,844.00$12,169,426.00$1,137,418.00
Current Liabilities$4,938,189.00$4,355,226.00$582,963.00
Derferred Capital Donations & Grants$2,100,500.00$19,218,886.00$178,614.00
Net Assets$6,268,155.00$5,892,314.00$375,841.00
Total Liabilities & Net Assets$13,306,844.00$12,169,426.00$1,137,418.00


Statement of Financial Position

Year Ended December 31, 2023

Financials for Annual Report
Statement of Financial Position20232022Difference
Programs & Services*$23,040,724.00$16,968,184.00$6,072,540.00
Donations, Grants & Fundraising*$758,032.00$549,914.00$208,118.00
Amortization of Capital Donations & Grants$440,949.00$424,960.00$15,989.00
Total Revenue$24,239,705.00$17,943,058.00$6,296,647.00
Programs, Services, Admin & Amort of Capital Assets$23,863,864.00$19,962,712.00$3,901,152.00
Total Expenses$23,863,864.00$19,962,712.00$3,901,152.00
Excess of Revenue over Expenditures$375,841.00-$2,019,654.00$2,395,495.00

*Certain comparative figures presented have been reclassified to conform with the current year’s presentation. The summarized financial information is extracted from Annual Financial Statements audited by BDO Canada LLP, Licensed Public Accountants. A copy of the complete financial statement is available online at Requests for a copy can be made by email to [email protected], by phone at 905-845-3417 or by written request to YMCA of Oakville, 410 Rebecca Street, Oakville, Ontario L6K 1K7.