According to the newest data from Statistics Canada, fewer than 20% of Canadian children and youth are still not meeting recommended targets for physical activity. Two studies released last fall reveal kids are also spending too much time in front of digital screens and not getting enough sleep.

Results from the Canadian Health Measures Survey from Statistics Canada, also published in 2017, show that parents’ activity levels directly impact physical activity levels in our kids. The 2016 YMCA Healthy Kids Report had similar findings, with 85% of Canadian parents agreeing they are an important influence and only a few identifying themselves as ‘excellent’ healthy role models.

Leading a healthy lifestyle that includes meeting recommended physical activity is challenging, and often, seems impossible. Work, errands, activities, homework and more fill our schedules, leaving us with too much to do in a short amount of time.

But, it’s easier than you think.

Join us for YMCA Healthy Kids Day on Sunday, June 3 and discover tons of tools and resources to help you create a healthier lifestyle. This free community event will show you and your family how simple daily actions can make a huge impact.

Visit YMCA Healthy Kids Day for a complete schedule of events and drop by the Y on June 3 from 11:00-3:00!